About NAI
It brings us great pleasure to introduce you to the NAI, the Newsmedia Association of India, India’s number one source for multi-media journalist’s & professional’s protection forum. Which covers Print media, Broadcasting media, Digital media & Cine Media.
NAI, the Newsmedia Association of India, is an alliance of new media companies whose members provide new media platforms offering consumers a wide range of online services, including e-content, media, E-commerce, communications and information/search services.
NAI represents the interests of the new media sector in India in policymaking. We are driven by a journalistic imperative and a common goal: Content and Engagement First. We are convinced that news producers and newsrooms across all platforms – print, broadcast, online, mobile and Cine media services – face comparable challenges.
To that end, we support all kinds of organizations and media outlets, to define a vision for the future of journalism and enhance its quality through innovation and cooperation.
Freedom of information and independence of the news media are, and will remain, the main credo of the Newsmedia Association of India and we will back all efforts to enhance press freedom worldwide.
Journalist community was an active participant in the freedom struggle and suffered the same fate as the other freedom-fighters. But they have not treated like freedom fighters. politicians are always against Journalist community.
The President of the Newsmedia Association of India was working as a General Secretary in a journalists association named newspapers association of India. In any field, if you work sincerely you would go up. The President of the Newsmedia Association of India was working day and night in the newspapers association. So God gave me a higher post. From the General Seretary post they made me as the president. The President of the Newsmedia Association of India got this higher responsibility by God’s grace.
The newspapers association of India has been functioning for the past 20 yrs with NewDelhi as its head quarters. For the well being of the newspapers and media which decide the fate of our nation, this association has been formed joining many newspapers and media.
In 2012 we decided to form an association of many newsmedia. In this association, along with Print media, Broadcast media, Digital media we also brought in the Cine media. For the first time in India this is the only association formed with technology as its objective.
Its name is Newsmedia Association of India. In the year 2013 we registered this association with the government. The government registration number is SRACTXXVII of 1975 SL.No.165 of 2013. NAI is a Unit of DMCR Newsmedia Association Regd. by Govt.of India under Section 8 Act 2013.
NAI, the Newsmedia Association of India, is an alliance of new media companies whose members provide new media platforms offering consumers a wide range of online services, including e-content, digital media, E-commerce, communications and information/search services.